The Legend of Axeslinger, the Artisan-Warrior...
In the heart of the mountain realm, Axeslinger, a renowned dwarven warrior and master blacksmith, toiled ceaselessly in his subterranean forge. Known for his prowess in battle (He wields magical hammers) and skill with the forge hammer, he embarked on a unique task. Axeslinger forged a magical metal orb infused with luck. As sparks danced and hammers pounded, the mystical sphere took shape. Legends spread like wildfire, drawing beings from far and wide. When rolled, the orb bestowed a shimmering aura of fortune upon its possessor. Axeslinger, the artisan-warrior, blended his two crafts, ensuring that luck became both a weapon on the battlefield and a treasure in the hands of fate. Hence forth, the 'Dwarven Forged' line of dice was created.
Old School Dice & Accessories carry a wide range of premium & specialty dice. Each fabulous set is hand checked to make sure that you are getting the highest quality. Made of a die cast non-toxic zinc alloy, these dice have colors that are clear and bold. Our dice sets work great for RPG's such as DnD, Pathfinder, Call of Cthulhu and other games. Each RPG 7-dice set includes all of the standard polyhedral dice.
Old School 7 Piece DnD RPG Gemstone Set: Striped Red Rose Agate
Old School 7-Piece Sharp Edged Dice Set: Liquid Infused - Crimson Fury
Old School 7 Piece DnD RPG Metal Dice Set: Hollow All Seeing Eye Dice - Silver w/ Green