The Lord of the Rings: Rohan Stronghold

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    Rohan is a proud realm that has ever stood against evil, yet it is no stranger to war and turmoil. Even now, bands of Dunlendings and scouting Uruk-hai raid the villages and settlements, killing people, destroying farms, and burning whatever buildings remain standing.

    This multipart plastic kit builds a significant Rohan Stronghold for your armies to fight over in the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game. The six houses offer a number of assembly options with double-sided house walls – each with different details – and a choice of decorations for the timber roof lintels. Each can be built with one of three porch options, and the kit also includes a number of fences, barrels, and ropes for you to further decorate your houses. Both watchtowers include a warning bell with which defenders can sound the alarm, and are proudly adorned with the horse-head icons of Rohan. Each palisade includes a walkway that is 25mm wide to accommodate archers or fighters manning the walls. The palisade gate can be assembled to open or close freely, and can hold a removable crossbeam to allow defenders to lock the gate. This kit also includes eight ladders to reach the palisades, of which four can be connected to make a pair of taller ladders for infantry to reach the watchtowers.

    This set contains:

    – 2x Rohan Watchtowers
    – 8x Palisade Walls
    – 6x Rohan Houses
    – 8x Palisade Ladders (pairs of which can alternatively be connected to make Watchtower Ladders)
    – 6x Dormer windows
    – 6x Porches
    – 12x Barrels
    – 36x Ropes
    – 24x Fences

    This kit contains 680 plastic components. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints.

    © New Line Productions, Inc. All rights reserved. MIDDLE-EARTH, THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING, THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE TWO TOWERS, THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RETURN OF THE KING and the names of the characters, items, events and places therein are trademarks of Middle-earth Enterprises, LLC under license to New Line Productions, Inc. (S25)

    © Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved. THE HOBBIT: AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY, THE HOBBIT: THE DESOLATION OF SMAUG, THE HOBBIT: THE BATTLE OF THE FIVE ARMIES, THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE WAR OF THE ROHIRRIM and the names of the characters, items, events and places therein are trademarks of Middle-earth Enterprises, LLC under license to New Line Productions, Inc. (S25)

    Middle-earth, The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings and the names of the characters, places, items and events therein, are trademarks of Middle-earth Enterprises, LLC used under license by Games Workshop. All rights reserved. (S25)

    - $315.00

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